Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Congrats to Courtney for being FREE!!!!

Haha! This has nothing to do with health, but Shout out to Courtney for getting her liscence today and becoming a totally independant human being who can go to starbucks whenever she wants!!!! haha, lol, hug! * Kylie *


Anonymous said...

Congrats Courtney!!!!!! That is so awsome. So you can get us all starbucks and bring it to us now right! lol

glasmik said...

COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOURTNEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY! That's really exciting! I bet you feel about 5 years older... I'm so jealous... I want a little pink mini cooper or little pink PTCruiser with little red flowers painted all over it when I get to drive... see you SOON,
PS... you can't drive when you come here though... sorry...

CBrooks said...

Thanks guys! It's amazing how going to the grocery store is suddenly fun!!! lol. (that's the first place I went on my own. my mom needed bread. haha!)

Sierra Anne said...

dude, that is sooooooo cool guess what you will get to drive me places before i even get my licence. only 8 months till i get my permit though! yeah and then 6 months of driving and then my licence thats only 14 months! yeah thats a really long time, ihate being young, ok now that im cmpleatly and totally depressed i got to go. bye

Anonymous said...

kimmi,that sounds amazingly amazing! i want a car like that!