Thursday, April 26, 2007

Healthy Snack: Celery

So I was telling Mollie and Brooke this yesterday, but I thought I'd let you all know since it's kind of cool. Anyway, it takes more calories to digest celery than is actually in the celery. So it's kind of like negative calories. Plus it's really good for you. Dip the celery in peanut butter and it's even better for you. Peanut butter contains a lot of protein, good fats (yes there is such a thing as good fats!) and lots of other nutrients.

1 comment:

Sierra Anne said...

Hello everyone, thanks for emailing me..... NOT yah so im feeling very un loved right now and you probably dont deserve this health tip but ill tell you any ways because im nice. ok so we all know that water has no calories right? well im like addictied to water, i can't stop drinking it and the other day, i found out that drinking cold water actually burns calories because you stomach has to warm it up before you can digest it isn't that cool! so yah i have to go run, i have try outs with my crazy insain coach next week so be praying for me!