Sunday, March 11, 2007

Motivational prize?

Yay! I'm so excited you guys are all posting on here! You know, I think we should have like a prize for the person who doesn't eat any sweets for the longest time or loses the most weight or something for motivation. I don't know what the prize could be. Something healthy of course! lol. What do you guys think?



Sierra Anne said...

I think if it is with sweets i will lose and if it Is losing weight, i might die :)

Anonymous said...

OH MY GODDNESS!!! You are all, like, SOOOO Californian with all your health/diet stuff, but it's a blast to read all the funny posts on here... I MISSSSS YOUUUUU! Well, here I am, leading a very sedentary life, and stuffing myself with Swiss Chocolate and getting FAT, while you're all getting slim!!! I'm SO glad we won't have to worry about getting fat in Heaven, you know??? I wish I could recommend some health foods, but I don't have the same stores as you!!! Booo hoooooo!!!
Anyways, e-mail me!!!

Anonymous said...

KIMMIE FACE! Haha, ok, how about the prize is a trip to france to c Kimmi... but u have to pay for it urself... lol.

CBrooks said...

I love you Kim! You make me laugh! That is typical Kimberly for you right there. Haha! I'm also glad that in Heaven there are no hyenas or A.D.D.!

glasmik said...

OK.. what is THAT supposed to mean: "typical Kimberly" ???
Thanks a LOT! hahaha

CBrooks said...

I means it that that was exactly something I would expect you to say. It just sounds like you were right there talking!

lattegirl said...

dude kimmy - save some sweets for those french peeps... :)
I miss you girlie
~ Alie

Sierra Anne said...

Kimmie, I love you, and miss you and don't complain about being in France, I wish I was there, its boring here, everyday, wake up, get dresses, go to school, go home, practice piano(yah right), do homework, not that any of you know what that is, and then either run or go to practice, everyday. IM SICK OF IT, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
ok im done, I Love you Kimmie